Life cycle assessment of food consumption in different cities: Analysis of socioeconomic level and environmental hotspots
Autores: Francisca Riveros, Camila López-Eccher & Edmundo Muñoz Categoria: Artículo Científico Publisher: Cleaner Environmental Systems Fecha de publicación: 01 Jun, 2024 Páginas: 13 páginas Idioma: Ingles

    This study conducts a life cycle assessment of the environmental impacts of dietary patterns in four Chilean cities, focusing on the correlation between food consumption and environmental impact. Using surveys and secondary data, the study assesses categories like global warming and freshwater eutrophication with SimaPro. Results indicate higher-income households have greater environmental impacts due to higher food consumption, particularly of red meat and dairy products. Food production is identified as the major environmental hotspot across most impact categories. The study suggests that household income, city location, and local food production systems significantly influence environmental impacts, highlighting the potential of circular economy strategies to mitigate these effects.


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