LCSA in the regions – state of the art, mainstreaming conditions and upscaling approaches
Autores: Valdivia, S., Cano-Londoño, N., Rojas, I., & Sonnemann, G. Categoria: Artículo Científico Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Fecha de publicación: 01 Apr, 2024 Páginas: 15 páginas Idioma: Ingles

    The article “LCSA in the Regions – State of the Art Mainstreaming” examines the implementation and mainstreaming of Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA) across various regions. It highlights the need for tailored approaches using enriched data sources, particularly focusing on energy, waste, and building sectors. The article also emphasizes the importance of addressing the gender gap in LCSA activities, which could significantly enhance capacity-building efforts. Furthermore, it identifies countries like Thailand, China, Brazil, Indonesia, and South Africa as potential hubs for regional upscaling of LCSA practices due to their advanced mainstreaming conditions


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